Launch SSH Console

When the user clicks on Launch SSH Console, then a new terminal will open. The user can run the GIT commands using this terminal. Logged-in users can access a sandbox view of the Linux terminal from the NetStorm, NetCloud, and NetOcean browser. Select Actions > Launch SSH Console to open a terminal window to access your workspace where your test assets are present. You can update the test assets, like scripts, using the VI editor and then commit your changes to your GIT repository.

You can perform various GIT operations from SSH Console including: GIT Pull, GIT Fetch, GIT Commit, etc. To launch the SSH console follow the below given steps:

  1. Select Actions > Launch SSH Console on the landing page to open a terminal window to access your workspace where your test assets are present.
Figure 72: SSH Console Landing Page

2. The users have to update the test assets like: Scripts, using the VI editor.

3. The user has to commit their changes to their GIT repository.

Execute GIT Commands from SSH Console

Users can perform various GIT operations from SSH Console including GIT Pull, GIT Fetch, GIT Commit etc. User needs to use the following command to change the work profile:

  • GIT Fetch: Use the GIT Fetch command to download data from a remote GIT repository.

Note: Do not perform the GIT clone operation from the SSH Console. You cannot perform a GIT clone on your repository. Instead of using the clone operation, you can run the Git Fetch command. 

  • GIT Pull: Use the GIT pull command to fetch the latest code from the provided GIT repository.  Type the following command and enter the passphrase for your ssh key when prompted:

git pull origin master 

  • GIT Commit: Use the GIT Commit command from the SSH Console to commit all the modified files in one go. 
  • GIT Checkout: Use the GIT Checkout command to checkout a particular branch that is saved in the. workprofile.conf
  • Specify the actual branch name to be used in the perf assets repo:

git branch –set-upstream-to=origin/master master 

Virtual User Trace

It is used to trace the virtual users to look for errors that occur with certain virtual users and not with others. If applied to a group, this can trace a particular virtual user accessing a particular page.

Figure 73: Available Virtual User Trace

It has the following fields:

  • Group Name: It is the name of the group used in scenario.
  • User Profile: It is the user profile which is used in the scenario.
  • Type: It is the type of the web url to be used.
  • Script Name/URL: It is the path for the script used in the scenario or the web URL.
  • Users: They are the total virtual users used in the group.

On selecting the particular virtual user trace, the user has to click on the User Trace   button to generate the user trace. The user trace will show the path which is followed by the user in a group. For multiple group, there will be multiple user paths as shown in the below figure.

Note: A user can either close or refresh the Virtual User Trace screen. To close the virtual user trace screen, the user has to click on the Close  button. To refresh the virtual user trace screen, the user has to click on the Refresh  button.

Figure 74: User Trace

Note: In the above figure, the Blue color indicates the Start and End of a session. The Green color represents the Pages between them.